If weather conditions are expected to affect school attendance on Saturday, we will notify you here. Also click on "Urgent" to see what's going on.
2024.10.18: Messages from parents
2024.10.04: From the Principal
2024.10.04: Announcement of personnel change
2024.10.04:Notice of the 2nd PTA General Meeting
2024.09.27:From the Chairperson of Board of Directors
2024.08.30:From the Vice Principal
2024.06.21:From the Principal
2024.06.21:Personnel Change and Greeting
2024.06.14:Parents of kindergarteners
2024.05.24:Chairperson of the Board of Directors
2024.05.24:Finance Department
2024.05.10:From Student Council
2024.04.19:Greeting from Chairperson of the Board
2024.04.19:Greeting from New Staff
2024.04.12:School Management Policy
2024.04.12:Welcome address/Words of Commitment
2024.04.03:Greeting from the principal
2024.04.03:Greeting from New Teachers
2024.04.03:Farewell address and Address-in-Reply at graduation ceremony
2023.10.6: Message from Board
2023.10.6: Message from PTA
2023.09.15:Results after the Summer Contest and the Poster Contest
2023.09.08:Staff personnel changes
2023.08.24:From Principal
2023.08.24:Staff personnel changes